Sunday, March 11, 2018

Specific kratom brands recalled amid nationwide outbreak

An Oregon company is recalling three brands of kratom powder products because samples have tested positive for Salmonella and an illness has been reported in connection with one of the products.

PDX Aromatics of Portland, OR, sold the recalled products directly to consumers via websites between Jan. 18 and Feb. 18, according to the company’s recall notice on the Food and Drug Administration’s website.

The  company does business as three entities, which bear the same names as the three brands of product subject to recall: Kraken Kratom, Phytoextractum, and Soul Speciosa.

At least 10,000 “units” of the kratom powder products are subject to the recall. They are packaged in plastic heat sealed pouches and sold in weights of 28 grams 56 grams and 112 grams.

“Consumers who may be in possession of potentially contaminated products are advised not to consume products labeled with the above product descriptions and lot codes,” according to the recall notice.

“PDX Aromatics has identified a supplier in our supply chain as the source of Salmonella. The company has removed that supplier from our supply chain and all associated products from our facility. We have ceased distribution of products in order to perform a facility audit … Working in cooperation with the FDA, the company will destroy all recalled product upon return.”

The Salmonella contamination was discovered by California inspectors. The California Department of Public Health notified the Oregon company of the Salmonella contamination and the infected person, PDX Aromatics reported.

Several states are investigating illnesses among people who have ingested various brands of kratom powders. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA are also investigating the substance.

The CDC says an ongoing nationwide outbreak has sickened at least 40 people across 27 states since October 2017.

The FDA has been investigating the substance for several years and is assisting the CDC and states with the current outbreak as well as continuing its general review of the substance. The FDA has reported that it has evidence of more than 40 deaths in the United States that have been linked to kratom.

Kratom is a plant consumed for its stimulant effects and as an opioid substitute. Kratom is also known as Thang, Kakuam, Thom, Ketom, and Biak.

The specific products subject to the recall by Oregon-based PDX Aromatics are:

Brand Product name Weights
Kraken Kratom Red Dragon Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Kraken Kratom Red Vein Borneo Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Kraken Kratom Red Vein Sumatra Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Kraken Kratom Red Vein Thai Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Kraken Kratom Super Indo Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Maeng Da Thai Kratom Powder (Horn Red) 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Red Dragon Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Red Vein Borneo Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Red Vein Sumatra Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Red Vein Thai Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Phytoextractum Super Indo Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Soul Speciosa Maeng Da Thai Kratom Powder (Horn Red) 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Soul Speciosa Red Dragon Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Soul Speciosa Red Vein Sumatra Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Soul Speciosa Red Vein Thai Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g
Soul Speciosa Super Indo Kratom Powder 28 g, 56 g, 112 g


Recalled products have any of the following LOT codes
(represent packaging dates):
LOT 20180118 LOT 20180125 LOT 20180201 LOT 20180207 LOT 20180214
LOT 20180119 LOT 20180126 LOT 20180201 LOT 20180208 LOT 20180215
LOT 20180120 LOT 20180127 LOT 20180202 LOT 20180209 LOT 20180216
LOT 20180121 LOT 20180128 LOT 20180203 LOT 20180210 LOT 20180217
LOT 20180122 LOT 20180129 LOT 20180204 LOT 20180211 LOT 20180218
LOT 20180123 LOT 20180130 LOT 20180205 LOT 20180212
LOT 20180124 LOT 20180131 LOT 20180206 LOT 20180213


Advice to consumers
Anyone who has taken any products containing kratom powder and developed symptoms of Salmonella infection should seek medical attention and tell their doctors about the possible exposure to the bacteria.

Symptoms of a Salmonella infection, called salmonellosis, typically start 6 to 72 hours after exposure to Salmonella bacteria. However, in some people it takes two weeks for symptoms to develop.

Symptoms include fever, chills, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headache, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually last for four to seven days. Anyone can become sick with a Salmonella infection, but infants, children, seniors and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of serious illness.

It is possible for some people to be infected with the bacteria and not get sick or show any symptoms, but they are still be able to spread the infection to others.

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from Food Recalls – Food Safety News

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